Shamans: For ancestral wisdom and healing practices.
Healers: Energy & reiki practitioners, or sound therapists.
Coaches: Life coaches of mindset, identity, NLP, EFT, hypnosis, career, and relationships.
Psychologists: Clinical psychologists or therapists with a focus on personal growth.
Neuroscientist: Experts in brain function and neuroplasticity.
Quantum Physicist: Those who can explain the connection between quantum principles and consciousness.
Soulful Summit is a 2-day transformative event (in-person and virtual) where practitioners in the personal development space using ancient and modern spiritual practices, neuroscience, and quantum physics gather together to share empowering techniques and strategies to live a brave, authentic, and integrated life.
This extraordinary event is designed to awaken and empower the conscious creator inside all participants to heal and transform their lives by taking inspired action toward their goals in a brave safe inclusive space.