“My identity is a superpower — not an obstacle!” I feel this message to my bones. This is why I launched my business TrueVoice (findyourtruevoice.com). Watch this powerful TED talk by America Ferrera, an actor and activist speaking up for humanity and justice in the world.

As businesses and individuals look to the future our success will be determined largely on how we innovate and adapt to shifting changes in the world. One way to stay agile is to be open-minded and accept the diversity in each and every human we connect with.

In business, we talk about a term called “human capital”. To put it simply, our differences can be leveraged to benefit the company. In our personal lives, our differences can lead to new ideas, change, growth, and becoming better people.

Ultimately, the stories we share at home or at the office have the power to change lives and elevate human consciousness. Words have the power to create or destroy. Let’s celebrate diversity through love and acceptance!